The art of vaping fully depends on the accessories and e-liquids and here I am recommending the shop for the youngsters to get the most pure and authentic product in minimal price
Rifatul IslamUttara 
Products comes next to me where cordiality and transparency matters the most.
Rio De RayhanFreelancer 
VaporflavorBD where I can put my trust in! And the cordiality of the owner is Alhamdulillah, great .
Sharzil KabirBanasree 
A friend in need is a friend in deed.
Friendship, Transparency, Cordiality and assistance is the fragrance of VaporFlavorBD. .
Tanvir IslamChief Advisor 
Great place to purchase vape and accessories, I would recommend you to buy vape from this webpage.
got my product on time ✨ ❤️
Nafish Sadman EftyBUFT 
12 years of friendship made my belief concrete that he is a man whom you can blindly trust. ❤
Tahmina Rita 71 Television 
সুন্দর ব্যক্তিত্বের অধিকারী হাসনাইন ভাই।
উনার সব পন্য অথেনটিক,
এবং লেনদেন এর বিষয়ে খুবই সচেতন এবং দায়িত্ববান।
ওনার সর্বাঙ্গীন মঙ্গল কামনা করি।
Imteaz EmuEntrepreneur 
A very good homely shop
No compromise on their service. 100% recommended and best online shop in Dhaka Bangladesh.
Also best price. I m satisfied with the owner, providing me their nice services.
All product are authentic since from the very begging.
Jamal Uddin JayProfessional Bodybuilder 
Bhaia and I are far apart in age range but in cordiality we are closer. I feel comfortable with Bhaia and VaporFlavorBD.
Tafnim SiamMirpur 
Trustworthy , Authentic and Cordial these are the essence of VaporFlavorBD. Best wishes.
Anik KhanBanasree 
Neighbor, Cousin, Well wisher, friend and virtual associate .
Rumman RumiEntrepreneur 
For the first time i really enjoyed buying a products from Hasnain vai, a wonderful entrepreneur mentality human being. Wish you luck vai.
Nurul Kabir SiamYKK Bangladesh 
A place where u can get authentic products. And moreover they r so much supportive. Whenever০ i face any problem with my vape they always suggested me the better option.
Blessed being a part of VaporFlavorBd
Mohammad Refhat Chittagong 
Vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking so encouraging smokers to quite smoking thus start vaping if required.
But as a piece of advice don’t start vaping if you are not a smoker.
Happy Vaping 🦋
Speedbird TonyBasundhara 
ক্যান্সার কোষকে মেরে ফেলতে দেখা গেছে ভ্যাপিং! এই গবেষণাটি এপ্রিল 2008 সালে সুপরিচিত মেডিকেল জার্নাল ক্যান্সার সেল-এ প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল। পরীক্ষার বিষয়গুলি একটি ই-সিগারেট থেকে সিগারেটের ধোঁয়া এবং বাষ্পের সাথে উপস্থাপন করা হয়েছিল। ই-সিগ থেকে বাষ্পের সংস্পর্শে আসার সময়, মানব কোষগুলি অক্সিডেটিভ স্ট্রেসের বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়িয়েছিল যখন তাদের কার্যকারিতাও বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছিল…এটি বেশ উল্লেখযোগ্য।
ভেপরভ্লেভরবিডির উদ্দ্যোগকে স্বাগত জানাই।
Mohammad Ali (IT Specialist) at Medilife Specailized Hospital LTD 
A really helpful person, helped me and guided me through my starting steps since I am a new mod user. recently had a few transactions of cotton along with I received 2 coils on the house... Surely recommend VaporFlavorBD for all the newbies and pros.
A HBachelor of Science 
Product ta ajkei hate pailam bhalo bhabei packing kora silo abong bhangew nai jeita niye bhoy silo anyway loved it abr kichu lagleo order korbo In Shah Allah 🖤
Thank you so much for the authentic liquid. Was searching it for a long time.
Abdur RahmanGraphic Designer 
তিন দিনের মাথায় ডেলিভারি পেলাম। অরিজিনাল Caliburn AK2 & CUBABNO SILVER. ভাইয়ার ব্যবহার অসাধারণ ছিলো।
Mahadee Hassan OnontoSEO LGED POTUAKHALI 
I am a new vaper. After starting vaping, suddenly, a mod catches my eyes. I was crazy for it. Even though I was ready to purchase at 2 times or 3 times price than the market price. Fortunately, I got it before Eid. But I didn’t find any Kind of battery to use it. Then my luck forcibly purchases from new market. It was clone, I knew it. But I was continuously searching a pair of authentic battery. It was second a of Eid day. Then I have found VaporFlavorBD.
Hasnain vai; owner of this organization. He is an amateur businessman. Firstly, I have been shown on him that will it be authentic or not, as usual other customer in Bangladesh, I was doubtful about its the authenticity. After met up I found, he is very polite and gentle man. Most impotently He is a true honest person never ever seen a person like him. Honestly, I am starting to love to him as good man.
I have told that earlier, he is an amateur businessman. He loves to provide the best service and product.
I recomment you, without any doubt, firstly try to find your desired products at VaporFlavorBD. Then somewhere else.
JohOmar Abdullah Asst. Manager (Commercial) Dhanmondi, Dhakan Doe 
My realization:
Recently collected a wonderful refillable vap pod device from my long trusted junior friend Hasnsin Leetu. He is a real gentleman with keen knowledge on vape. There are huge collection of different types of premium e-juices in his collection. He is not a Business man, he is well wisher of us those who want quite smoking.
I am grateful as he made me convinced to use such wonderful pod & quit smoking totally. I Appel to all smoker quit smoking rather use a modern technology of Vape which is far more safer.
He is more then helpful person.
Best wishes to Leetu Bhhi.
MG ShowkatDirector at private company